01. 11. 2024

Jó étvágyat! Bon appetite!

Delirest will get you in the mood for the flavors of vibrant Hungarian cuisine, which is close to ours in many ways. After all, some dishes that we consider national have their origins in Hungary. Don't miss our CulinaryCalendar in the third week of November.

Hungary is known for its quality and abundance of food. Everyone associates local cuisine with the ubiquitous paprika. However, it's not just about it. If we wanted to say the origin of Hungarian cuisine, the answer is simple. Just Hungarian. Czech, Slovak and Austrian cuisine is also very similar. But this is not surprising, since we used to be one big monarchy.However, the Turks lived on the territory of Hungary for a long time and made their way into the habits of Hungarian cuisine.


In the third week of November enjoy delicious and juicy slow-roasted pork served with creamy leech, butter dumplings and sour cream.

It is called Hungarian pizza and is among the most famous Hungarian specialties and street foods. In selected Delirest restaurants and canteens, we will also offer you a perfect Langos with shredded chicken, paprika mayonnaise, cottage cheese and dill sour cream.

Jó étvágyat! Bon appetite!